
Dongtie Group Yuhuan Datie Transportation Equipment Co., Ltd.



At 8:28 am on October 25, 2021, the precision casting workshop of Yuhuan Datie Building 2 successfully started the 1 # 300KG medium frequency furnace for casting. Wang Zhifeng, President of East Railway Group, led all members of the Yuhuan Datie management team and some cadres and employees to observe the ignition of the 1 # 300KG medium frequency furnace and the first batch of product casting on site, witnessing this exciting moment together.

As a key project of East Railway Group, the construction of Yuhuan Datie has always been closely monitored by the leaders of East Railway Group. The project started construction on April 29, 2019. Under the care and guidance of the chairman and president of the group, the construction unit, the construction unit, and the project team worked tirelessly and sincerely day and night, and successfully completed the construction tasks in each stage.

The ignition of the 1 # 300KG medium frequency furnace and the first batch of product casting are a good start to the formal production of the project, marking that Yuhuan Datie is about to enter the comprehensive operation stage, further strengthening the confidence and determination of all "big iron people", and laying a solid foundation for the comprehensive implementation of the development concept of "green big iron, digital big iron, and happy big iron", and achieving the next step of comprehensive production and operation goals.